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What's New Online!
Version 5.3
Updated Wildlife Earth News page, as well as new and improved backgrounds and pictures on the home screen. Enjoy, Wildlife Earth.
Version 5.0
In this update, the Wildlife Earth YouTube page has been added! On the new page, you can see all the Wildlife Earth videos without even going on YouTube. There are many improvements in this update as well.
The Wildlife Earth News Website
The new Wildlife Earth News website will be coming soon online! This new website will have much more wildlife news and the news featured on there will be more updated and detailed. This new website shall not disapiont, with georgeous designs and incredible news, Wildlife Earth is currently making a huge leap foward into the world of wildlife news. But until the next beautiful website is uploaded, you can still very much rely on this official Wildlife Earth website to give you the latest wildlife news worldwide. The Wildlife Earth news website will be released this spring (between March and early June).
Website Version 4.0
In this update, there are many new improvements and pages. Improvements were made for the mobile site for better accessibility as well as new animations for the PC version of this website. The new amazing pages added in this update are the What's New and Wildlife Facts page. The Wildlife Facts page is currently under construction, but on the homepage you can get an idea of what to expect in the future. This update also adds more wildlife news on the Wildlife Earth News page.
Website Version 3.0
In this website update, Wildlife Earth News has finally been released as well as updated news stories on the home page. There are also many new improvements that makes the website even more beautiful like some new backgrounds. This update unfortunately removes the Wildlife Earth Blog since its currently not needed, and won't be for a while.
Website Version 2.0
The release of the entire website and pages like, Top Fans Of Wildlife Earth as well as the new page Wildlife Earth Posts. This update also has the labeling of updates. Ex, V 2.0
Website Version 1.0
The release of half of the Wildlife Earth website. Welcome!
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