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Wildlife Earth

"Inspiring others to love and protect all Wildlife on Earth." ®

Wildlife Earth

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Welcome to the Wildlife Earth YouTube Page.

Here you will find the most popular and recent Wildlife Earth YouTube uploads all together.

Welcome to, Wildlife Earth

For Wildlife Earth's 2nd anniversary, this video was created to show people what Wildlife Earth's mission is all about. Using social media to inspire others to love and protect all wildlife on Earth. Hope you enjoy the video!

Ocean Trailer

Check it out! Wildlife Earth is going to make an all new video named "Ocean". The future video will be created to inspire others to love and protect the ocean. As well as show the beauties of the gorgeous ocean. Coming July 2015! - Wildlife Earth.

Inescapable World

Millions of people view orca performances for entertainment as wrong. SeaWorld seems to remain in the past. Well newsflash SeaWorld, this isn't 1960 anymore. The performance of any animal for money and entertainment is found wrong in society. Why do you think so many circuses are shut down? A theme park, is no place for an intelligent creature of any kind, including Dolphins. All orcas captured from the wild many years ago, were never injured and the orcas now don't require medical care. So honestly, there are absolutely no reasons for SeaWorld's orcas to be in captivity what so ever. - Wildlife Earth does not support animal abuse of any kind and will support SeaWorld once their orca and dolphin entertainment is shut down for good.

Cities and Nature

Comparing the big cities to untouched gorgeous nature.


Our Earth is so very precious. This video is the proof! Enjoy the stunning Earth with the help of time lapse videos. #WildlifeEarth

Everyday is Earth Day

This is the first ever Wildlife Earth YouTube video. This video was created to show everyone the true beauty of Earth beyond the cities. We should all live as if it were Earth Day everyday! ❤️

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