Only four Northern White Rhinos in the world.
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© World Wildlife Fund

There are only four Northern White Rhinos left in the entire world. On Monday, July 27th, a female Northern White Rhino named Nabire, died from a ruptured cyst at a Czech Republic Zoo. This leaves only four Northern White Rinos on Earth. What does this mean? Most likely the species cannot be saved at this point despite the fact that there is one male left (in the picture on the left). The male is guarded around the clock to be protected by poachers. Even his horn was cut off humanely to prevent an attack from poachers. He is in his 40's and would have trouble reproducing efficiently with one of the three females left. The fate of the Northern White Rhino is unknown. But what is known is the fact that mankind has done this, and it may be too late to fix our mistake.
Tiger Number Continues To Decline.

© World Wildlife Fund
Tigers are one of the most iconic big cats in the world are nearing closer to extinction every single day. About 97% of wild tigers are off the face of this earth and little is being done to stop this madness. Now some may wonder why Tigers are at such a high risk of extinction, so here are the answers to your questions. One of the biggest reasons of the tiger's disappearance is because of deforestation in most of central Asia and other destruction like poaching and pollution caused by human activities. To know more about Tigers and thier population, click the read more button.
The Keystone Pipeline Expansion

The Keystone XL Pipeline is the most talked about oil pipeline so far, and it will probably stay that way for some time. For those unfamiliar about this, the Keystone XL Pipline is an expansion of the original pipeline itself and is causing so much controversy between environmentalists and the big oil company. Many oppose the entire pipeline, nevermind the expansion. Environmentalists believe that this is completely unessasary for the fact that people should be looking for more green technology instead of promoting more oil destruction. Also, many people believe this expansion would only help Canada's economy and not the U.S.'s since the company is in Canada. Even the president of the United States does not agree with the expansion and has vetoed the bill that would give TransCanada permission to expand the pipeline. Although TransCanada keeps claiming the pipeline is energy efficient and eniornmentally friendly, in the end, is it really?
The Wildlife Earth News Website, Coming Soon!

The new Wildlife Earth News website will be coming soon online! This new website will have much more wildlife news and the news featured on there will be more updated and detailed than this very page. But until the next beautiful website is uploaded, you can still very much rely on this official Wildlife Earth website to give you the latest wildlife news worldwide. The Wildlife Earth news website will be released soon.
Vaquitas Saved By Drones?
The Vaquitas Porpoise may have just been saved from near complete extinction. The Mexican government has finally been taking action due to the millions of people speaking out to the country to improve it's conservation efforts. Now with 5,000 square km of ocean protected with a 2 year ban on fishing with gillnets, the Vaquita appear to be safe. But what about illegal fishing that has occured in the past? Well Mexico has figured out a plan on what to do about this terrible annoyance, drones. An article on Fox News wrote "drones will patrol the upper sea of Cortez to combat against illegal fishing". The drones will be an extra eye over the waters where the Vaquita live and ensure that security will be at its strongest. The recovery of the Vaquita Porpoise could take possibly 30 years since they reproduce every two years.

Rhino Poaching Hits A New Rcord
Rhino poaching has reached an all new record last year with a total of 1,215 killed illegaly in Africa. This has greatly devastated the Rhino population with this 21% increase of killings since 2013. The entire reason that thousands of Rhinos are killed each year is mainly because of the demand of their horns in Asia, mostly in countries like China and Vietnam. The horn of a Rhino is said to have healing properties, and other non- scientific properties. But science has proven that the material found in a rhino's horn has the same material found in our own fingernails. Also, as rhinos become more scarce every year, the price of a rhino's horn becomes more and more valuable which is not helping our world in any way.